Repeat, But Not In The Same Way

The other day, I was taking photos of flowers on a tree. I took several pictures, each time using different angles and framing. Repetition with variation is a great way to create interest and to improve upon your original concept.

What does this have to do with music?

In music, when you play your instrument, it is important to repeat the same things, but also to repeat with a different “angle”. It can be a different rhythm, speed, or articulation. Trying something new will wake your brain and therefore make you focus more deeply on what you are learning. It is also much more fun!

Play Piano using different emotions

This is an advanced example, from a proffessional musician, but it’s a good example of how you can play the same tune but make it feel very different. You don’t have to embellish or improvise, though. Simply changing the tempo, or the volume can be enough. You can try a more staccato bouncy play-trough and then make it all run together in an otherworldly legato rendition.

There are endless possibilities to keep things interesting!